Mystons – 3 CD Review (2011)

1. Mammoth

2. Mourning Sky

3. Man In The Wheel

4. CrusHer

5. Life In A Tomb

6. Dancing With Demons

7. Death Pills

8. Princess Of Dark

9. Gathering


This is not great. Or good. Or even meh.  Some things are just bad and this should just be accepted.  Hailing from Finland this is a band that have listened to way too much of the 69 Eyes and not been able to use the biological talents that separates us from the animals, like judgement and reason.

Harmonic poppyness that reminds one of Kyuss’ influence (but Gothy… poorly; that would be the 69 Eyes influence), but yearning for their talent.  There is an overly unsubtle hint of Peter Steele/Grunge Vocal influence that is frankly horrid to listen to.   Having a style is great; working towards a style, lesser.  But style is merely fleeting.  Creation is all that matters.  Merging others’ to your is still just plagiarism.   The vocal harmonies have absolutely no variation above the dull and mundane, not even the merest spark of inspiration to send the (unexplained by science) hairs on the back of the neck rising in excitement.  One could get stuck on a rant about how bad the vocals are but the music is nothing better than a Media Studies student’s idea of how to create music: shit.  Evidence is every Indie band in existence.

Consigned to oblivion they should be in this digital age because, in the age where it actually cost a lot of money to produce music this would be a band that would be laughed at if a business card was presented to a record company executive.  What is exasperating is the fact that another human consciously thought about this as being worthy of spending money on producing.  Surely the better decision would have been to force this bunch of individuals to continue their local free pub night?  Surely?

This is a short review simply because boredom, despite it being slightly preferable to mass murder, can be soothed by listening to good music.

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